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Symptoms of pregnancy by weeks

Bleeding, cramps, abdominal pain ... These symptoms are especially troubling when you are pregnant. When should you call a doctor or midwife? Learn about warning signs that may indicate a problem.

Most of the symptoms that occur in women during pregnancy are normal, even if they are not very comfortable signs of pregnancy. They are simply the result of pregnancy. There are different symptoms of pregnancy depending on the week of pregnancy. For example, shortness of breath is a common symptom of pregnancy because you consciously breathe deeply to help your baby get more oxygen. You feel uncomfortable, but it's good for the baby! However, women are worried and worried about whether everything is okay and how to find out if not.

Although real complications are rare, it is always good to know what pregnancy symptoms to look for depending on the week. Here are some signs of pregnancy that may indicate a problem:

Vaginal bleeding or spotting. Premature rupture of membranes (also known as "water drainage"); this can manifest itself in the form of a trickle of liquid, a stable leak or a fountain. The rupture is considered premature at any time up to 37 weeks. Persistent abdominal pain or premature uterine contractions (for more information on recognizing preterm birth, see the article "Signs of Preterm Birth"). Change or absence of fetal movements (shocks or activity of the baby) for more than 24 hours after the 20th week.

Severe headache that lasts for more than two to three hours. Visual disturbances such as blurring or double vision. Fainting and dizziness (mild dizziness may also be one of the normal early symptoms of pregnancy). Weight gain by more than a kilogram per week (not related to overeating!). Severe pain above the stomach, under the chest Tumor or swelling on the face, eyes or hands. Swelling in the legs or arms is normal during pregnancy, but should be monitored. Vomiting that lasts for several days, often two or three times a day, especially after the first trimester, when "morning sickness" was to subside. Signs of infection (fever, chills, burning sensation during urination or diarrhea).

If you experience any of these pregnancy symptoms, talk to your midwife or doctor. This way, you won't have to worry, and if the problem really exists, it will be addressed immediately.

The first signs of pregnancy before the delay of menstruation. 10 main symptoms

Pregnancy is an important event in the life of any woman. More often it is joyful and long-awaited, and sometimes undesirable. In both cases, the woman wants to know about the possible conception as soon as possible. How many days after the signs of pregnancy appear after ovulation, how can you find out about an important event before the delay of menstruation - read the answers to these and other questions in our article.

On what day after conception are the signs of pregnancy

Signs of "interesting position" are individual. Pregnancy without symptoms also occurs. Some women do not experience any changes in their body during the first few weeks. Knowing the signs of pregnancy is also important because similar symptoms can be caused by other conditions that need treatment. On what day after conception do the signs of pregnancy appear? Their phenomenon is individual. One of the main signs is delayed menstruation. However, to this day, many women note the characteristic "bells" that signal pregnancy. The first signs of pregnancy before the delay of menstruation:

  1. A blood stain on underwear usually appears due to implantation bleeding and is considered one of the earliest signs. Implantation of the embryo in the uterus occurs 6-12 days after conception. Some women experience spastic abdominal pain during this period.

  2. Morning sickness is a characteristic sign of pregnancy. Nausea usually occurs between the second and eighth weeks after conception. Nausea may be accompanied by vomiting. This unpleasant condition is most common during the first trimester, but some women experience nausea throughout their pregnancy.

  3. Changes in the breast can occur as early as 1-2 weeks after conception. As the blood supply to the breasts increases due to hormonal changes, they become swollen, sensitive, and the woman feels tingling around the nipples.

  4. Fatigue is a typical sign of pregnancy. In the first week after conception, many women complain of exhaustion.

The above signs of pregnancy in the first or second week.

Feelings in the first days of pregnancy

A survey conducted by the American Pregnancy Association reported the following most common first signs of pregnancy:

  • 29% of respondents reported delayed menstruation;

  • 25% indicated that nausea was the first sign of pregnancy;

  • 17% noted changes in the chest;

  • Although implantation bleeding is often considered the first sign of pregnancy, only 35% of women named it as the main one.

Feelings in the first days of pregnancy can be manifested in a change in taste preferences and exacerbation of smell. "I want a pickle, and immediately" or "Take this fish, I'm sick of its smell" - typical "whims" of pregnant women.

Unfortunately, not everything goes according to plan. Failures occur, and the fertilized egg does not reach the uterus, but remains and develops in the fallopian tube or pushed out of it is attached outside the tube. Signs of ectopic pregnancy at an early stage depend on the site of attachment of the zygote. The main symptom is any pain in the lower abdomen. It usually occurs on one side and is associated with a change in body position. The time of onset of this sign of ectopic pregnancy depends on the location of the fetus in the fallopian tube, but the manifestations are usually observed as early as 5-6 weeks of pregnancy. Cervical implantation can be painless for a long time, but it is characterized by prolonged bleeding.

Other signs of pregnancy

Many women start using a pregnancy test almost every day after unprotected intercourse. When will a pregnancy test show a positive result? The most important sign of pregnancy is the absence of regular menstruation. Other signs of pregnancy after the delay:

  • darkening of the areolas around the nipples;

  • mood swings caused by hormonal changes. It is important to note that this is normal, but if a woman is constantly depressed, she needs professional help;

  • dizziness, fainting;

  • metallic taste in the mouth;

  • frequent urge to urinate. From about the 6th week, a pregnant woman has to go to the toilet more often;

  • swelling of the face, hands;

  • change in blood pressure;

  • backache;

  • vaginal candidiasis (thrush of pregnant women);

  • hypersalivation (increased salivation).

Keep in mind that the symptoms of a miscarriage are very similar to the symptoms of a real one. That is, a woman feels the same, but in reality she is not pregnant. The diagnosis is made due to the results of ultrasound, ECG, gynecological examination. In this psychophysiological state it is necessary to consult a psychotherapist. Read more about false pregnancies on our website

Some women do not experience any signs of pregnancy in the first trimester. This is normal. Pregnancy is a physiological process, so it often passes without any unpleasant sensations.

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